Monday, March 2, 2015

Caught Up, I Guess...

We have all been caught, right? I would thinks so, we have all been caught doing something or even doing nothing. I know have been caught a enough times to put an end to my criminal career. 
I don't know where I'm going with this so bare with me...
The feeling of being caught in the act  of doing whatever is frightening enough for us to jump when we have been caught or have some kind of dumb look on our faces. People react differently to being caught as well. It really is intriguing when you see all the peoples reactions to being caught. A person could be caught doing to simplest thing and overreact. A person could even catch oneself. 
My mother has caught me so many times it's ridiculous. It's bad because I knew I would be caught before she even actually caught me doing what doing. Each time I was caught by anybody doing something I thought I would grow from that and become less careless, negative. I'm catching myself up in things and I'm watching as if I were watching a slow motion scene in a movie. I see myself doing things I'm not supposed to be doing and and doing nothing at all. And I still have that "oh shit" feeling. It's crazy, I'm telling you. But that "oh shit" feeling is almost like a rush like I wanted to be caught by someone or even myself. It's like a challenge to see if I the skills that can change the outcome. Haha I'm never able to though....maybe I should stop looking for trouble...
I really thought I was going somewhere with this post but I guess not haha

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