Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Other Night...

  It's interesting really, how one could just partake in something because of boredom. That didn't make any sense haha. So this is my day to day and my thoughts on it as per Linda's instruction. 
  So I woke up today feeling nothing at all except maybe, why am I up at this hour? It's been hard trying to get a set sleep schedule between work, trying to be socially accommodating, and being any kind of productive. The last time I talked with my mother it consisted of her grilling me  out the usual items about who I'm with, who I'm sleeping with, how do you spend your money so fast, and why I'm upset. It annoying really. It is because I'm with no one, I'm not around anymore, I have a couple dollars left, and I'm not upset at all. I don't want to worry or to be in my business, so what I said is true as far as she is concerned. So it's whatever...
  As I'm getting ready for work, I look around my room at how dirty the carpet is because of all the spilled liquids and crumbs. No matter how much I clean, my room will never good enough because of the damn carpet and my bum ass roommate. It's seems like all he does is come back from work, make a mess, sleep, and the occasional video game playing session. He tries to help out every now and then, but his efforts are futile. It's a drag. So I continue to prepare myself for shift with a cup of joe and a new album from J. Cole trying not to focus on the dirty floor in the room. When I do leave for shift, I always forget something from the uniform. It never seems to fail. Maybe it is like a subconscious type deal to where I want to see what my roommate starts to do after I leave the room and he's there alone, or maybe I am just getting old. I'm only 21. 
  A habit of mine to is to show up ridiculously early for work and I'm saying like an hour or so before everyone else gets there. There are possible explanations for this but, for another time. Today I showed up to the area where our guard mount is held around 1456ish and sat in my usual spot. I was then accompanied by a good friend of mine Erykah Badu, haha. I met Erykah back in A school when she was on crutches while making fun of her. It was strange how quick we became friends through insults. Actually that is how I think I have most of my friends. Well, she has a man who is gets pretty jealous when we are together or so she tells me. I would be jealous to if my girl had a really good guy friend. A guy could widely speculate just as much as if it were the other way around with a female. I'll probably keep my distance from because I wouldn't want to do anything to fuck that up for her or even him. Anyway, we were chatting it up about the latest gossip within the sections and about whatever is going on in our lives. As the time comes for me to go arm up, I check the watch bill and see Im not where I want and realizing it could be worse. I then immediately look for other people on the watch bill to see how close we are. I then do my vehicle inspection routine and go try round up the crew headed to our assigned post. In this moment I'm looking for people to see if they see me as I see them or some shit like that. We all load up and get on our way to post experiencing some of the worst drivers known to this earth and whoever I'm with seems to always point out the the flaws in this country. I'm fine with that because I do it and it makes me realize how grateful I am to be able be born where I was and not live in a place such as this. 
This is longer than expected.
I pull up on the station where we are posted to find the other crew itching to get relieved so that they can get some rest or whatever it is they do in their off time. Every shift starts and ends the same way, come to work immediately anticipating the end of shift. We count each minute, each window on a building, each person coming through, and so on. It gets rough standing out post, which seems like hours on end. At certain points in the night, one goes into deep thought about the obvious things in their life and how to fix them without even trying. It's amazing really. All of a sudden it's the end of shift and the rush to get back into bed, or to the gym, or to the food line begins. We take care of what needs to be taken care of right after work or we put it off until later because who cares because we rule our own lives as adults and when that's done we die or repeat.